Orchard Quality Organic Fruit with No (ZERO!) Spraying ("No-spray" Permaculture Orchard)

Want high quality, organic fruit without spraying? Bagging works. Simple as that.  To the left, is a peach, just pulled from a “wedding favor” bag (which you can see to the left) flawless and beautiful. Never once sprayed with anything. Let me tell you, it was delicious as it looks.  To the right, a fruit that looks just like my buddy Jerry. Heh heh, just kiddin’ Jerry. From the same branch on the same tree, but not bagged. It’s almost impossible to find a piece that hasn’t been burrowed through or bitten into. No good for anything but scaring small … Continue reading Orchard Quality Organic Fruit with No (ZERO!) Spraying ("No-spray" Permaculture Orchard)