2024 Spring Rare Perennial Vegetable Package

(SOLD OUT! But still available through the CWOW Empower Her World silent auction!)

My recent TikTok featuringa few of these!

I do limited runs of specialty rare plants each Fall and Spring, and this season’s package includes several fascinating plants that have helped me viral on my social media! (Thanks to you!) This season’s package includes a variety of seeds and plants including:

Skirret roots, just dug.

Skirret: What did Europeans eat before corn, beans, squash, potatoes, tomatoes, amaranth, quinoa, etc. all came from the New World? Skirret. They ate skirret, a perennial relative of carrots that produces a hefty amount of roots that are like a cross between carrots and potatoes.

(Grows in full sun to part shade, loves wet and heavy soils, but tolerant of many soil types.)

Sea kale!

Sea Kale. The most highly priced vegetable of the Victorian Era! Yet these days few have heard of it. This long-lived perennial ancestor of the Brassicas can be eaten as cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and even has an edible root like a turnip! Full sun.

Japonica maize growing in my “3 sisters” garden.

Japonica Maize. A BEAUTIFUL variegated corn that is more than an ornamental! Edible in the “milk stage” as a sweet corn, and later ground for a dark red cornmeal, high in protein.

Just a man proud of his walking onions.

Egyptian Walking Onions: The most useful plant in my garden! Instead of flowering, this perennial onion produces “top set” onions that can be harvested and eaten as pearl onions. Also produces fairly large storage onions and green onions available most of the year!

My TikTok on Walking Onions!

An indestructible plant happy in full sun or even fair amounts of shade.

I call these “Christmas Crosnes.” Lovely added to a coleslaw

Crosnes. This is another “lost vegetable” that used to be highly prized both in Europe and in Asia. A mint with a tuber that is very similar to a water chestnut. Crunchy, and light, it takes on the flavor of any sausages you cook it with. Or quick Pickle it with vinegar and food coloring for a treat that will get lots of comments!

(Full to part sun, variable soils. Does great in wet or heavy soils.)

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